Khankai Moula Mosques In Kashmir :-
The Islamic Khilafah is the way of ruling the Islamic Ummah after the death of the prophet (S.A.W.). The Islamic Khilafah can be rightly guided, i.e., it is according to the prophet's method. The rightly-guided Islamic Khilafah was established at the times of the rightly-guided Khalifahs after the prophet (S.A.W.) (Abu Bakr, Omar, Othman, Ali, and another Khalifah who is frequently mentioned among the rightly-guided Khalifahs; Omar Bin Abdul-Aziz) (R.A.) These Khalifahs were rightly called "the rightly-guided Khalifahs" because one of their unique situation was that they were chosen by the Ummah to rule.
The Islamic Khilafah could be less guided. This happens when a person becomes a ruler by inheriting the khilafah, or through force. This happened in the Khilafah of the Bani Ummayat, the Abbassi, and Ottoman Khilafah, which was ended in 1924.
The scholars have issue very smeller statements like "It is to guard the affairs of the Deen, and take care of the world's affairs politics after the prophet-hood." {Imam Al-Mawardi.}
The prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) had two great tasks to do for the Ummah. The first is conveying the message, the second is that he was the Imam (ruling leader, the chief commander) obeyed by all Muslims, and the implementer of the Islamic legislation. The first task was done and finished by his death. The second task is executed by whoever comes after the prophet (S.A.W.). {Shikh Al-Khudari}
Establishing the Islamic Khilafah is an obligation upon every Muslim. It is in the category of obligations of Kifayah, which means if it is established by a group of Muslims, the Muslims will be free of this obligation and they are not sinful. If it is not established, all Muslims will be sinning. The Muslims will be free of this great sin only if they work hard and make their utmost efforts to establish the Islamic Khalifah.
Imam An-Nawawi said: "The scholars have consensus that the Khalifah must be appointed."
Imam Ibn Khaldoon said: "Appointing the Imam is obligatory which was known to every one with the consensus of the companions and their followers. The companions of the prophet (S.A.W.) hurried to appoint Abu Bakr (R.A.) as their Khalifah after the death of the prophet (S.A.W.). The Muslims had a Khalifah in every age afterwards, and they were not left in chaos (without a Khalifah) in any age. This was viewed as a consensus among the scholars that the Imam (Khalifah) must be appointed. {Book AL-Muqadimah, p 210}
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